GCS 50V Oban And District
GCS 50V Oban And District
After GCS 50V was sold by Clydeside she moved north having been purchased by Oban and Disrtict, was quickly repainted into Oban And District Blue & Cream livery and settled down to work from Oban depot. Oban and District was taken over by West Coast Motors and vehicles soon started to loose the Distictive Blue & Cream livery for West Coast Motors livery although for a while many vehicles still carried Oban and District fleetnames. I had been searching everywhere for photographs of GCS 50V in Oban & District livery, always finding it was another Leopard in the picture but never mine! I knew she had carried Blue & Cream since I found traces of paint when restoration back to Clydeside livery was being carried out. I had given up all hope of finding any photographs of her in this livery when out of the blue! I received an email from a fellow train driver who had been route learning recently with me, he mentioned he had a couple of photos taken in Oban of GCS 50V and would I like them, finally I had pictures of her in Blue & Cream. Many thanks to Andy McLelland for supplying these rare photographs and allowing me to use them on my site. She operated for Oban and District / West Coast Motors from August 1997 until I purchased her in May 2007. Since then a few others have turned up. Thanks also to both David Wright and Donald MacRae for allowing me to use their photos on my site.

After years of searching finally, photographs of GCS 50V in Oban and District, Blue & Cream livery. Photos Copyright Andy McLelland.
And what is it they say about buses all coming along at once! Only a few months after I added the above rare photos of GCS 50V in Blue and Cream livery, I found yet another one. Again this was taken at Oban depot but this time by fellow G.V.V.T member David Wright. Many thanks to David for allowing me to add his photograph to my site.

GCS 50V is again seen wearing Oban & District blue and cream livery at the companies Oban depot. Photograph copyright David Wright.

And yet another photo of GCS 50V in Oban & District livery turns up, this time the work of Donald MacRae. Again this photo was taken at Oban depot. Looking closely at the two photos I wonder If they were taken on the same day. GCS 50V and the vehicles in the background are all in the same spaces. Many thanks for the photo Donald and allowing me to add it to my site.